Fake News #1

Fake News is a Membrana Edições project open to collaborators with the intent of producing posters and publications, where images and texts coexist but are independent of one another.

Alexandre Barbosa de Souza e Tiago Santinho were invited to write for the first edition of this project, with the intent of revealing, through friction and attrition, possible informational intrusions and dissimulations involving daily life.

The NF#1 images and posters are photographic views that refer to the idea of dissimulation, creating an imaginary topographic space generated by informational scanning systems.

The Fake News #1 posters and publication were launched in Plana International Publishing Festival of São Paulo, "End of the World" edition, at Pavilhão da Bienal, São Paulo, Brazil, March 17th to 19th, 2017.
Fake News #1
Marina Oruê, Douglas Garcia

29 x 42 cm
print by risograph black
print run: 90 copies

13,7 x 19 cm, 12 pages
print by risograph black
edition of 30 copies

photography, Douglas Garcia
text, Tiago Santinho, Thomas Browne
poem, Alexandre Barbosa de Souza
graphic design, Marina Oruê
printing, Edições Aurora/Publication Studio SP

São Paulo, SP, March 2017
Edições Membrana

digital essay, poster text in processing

NF#1 poster I

Democracy would be the ungovernable (the ephemerous): "Today, 'representative democracy' might sound as a pleonasm, but at first it was an oxymorous", Rancière with a twist, yes. The doxa, the public opinion/common, is the inverse of truth. And that is why such irrationality is so seductive... A democracy without false informations wouldn't resist. It's different from the imposition of myths and lies as truths in capslock of totalitarian regimes where it is impossible to suppose contradictions... We would die of boredom if we intuitively didn't recognize that all the news are dubious... And here we are happily fucked up... In love with the crisis of representation...
Tiago Santinho, 2017

NF#1 poster II

When fraudulent Bush Khan
Tore the Nations Charter
Declaring himself Master of the World
Lord of Men
That same night I dreamed I was Joan of Arc
From the Slaughterhouses
Taken into the fire
Surviving at 451 Fahrenheit
I was the mixed-race-shot-down mass of mankind
My only goods were calluses, scars
Then there came the Silesian weavers
With their ragged flag on fire
The league of the betrayed barricades
Loyal only to the starving pilgrims
And the memory of children martyrs

Alexandre Barbosa de Souza

NF#1 poster III

The common opinion of the Ostrich, Struthiocamelus or Sparrow-Camel, conceives that it digesteth Iron. (...) the common picture also confirmeth it, which usually describeth this Animal with an Horshoe in its mouth.
(...) Some have experimentally refuted it, as Albertus Magnus; and most plainly Ulysses Aldrovandus, whose words are these; Ego ferri frustra devorare, dum Tridenti essem, observavi, sed quæ incocta rursus excerneret, that is, at my being at Trent, I observed the Ostrich to swallow Iron, but yet to exclude it undigested again. (...)
Thus dogs will eat grass, which they digest not: Thus Camels to make water sapid, do raise the mud with their feet: Thus horses will knable at walls, Pigeons delight in salt stones. Rats will gnaw Iron, and Aristotle saith the Elephant swalloweth stones.
And thus may also the Ostrich swallow Iron; not as his proper aliment, but for the ends above expressed, and even as we observe the like in other Animals.
— Thomas Browne, "Of the Ostrich", 1672