photographic essay
Rita Vidal’s Art Objects. Fabricating Traces
Pivô, São Paulo, SP
February, 2018
Rita Vidal’s Art Objects. Fabricating Traces
Pivô, São Paulo, SP
February, 2018
This visual essay, by Douglas Garcia, invited by Rita Vidal, at Pivô, points to the relations established by the artist's work in the apprehension and manipulation of space, through elements
such as wool felt, glass plates and everyday materials from the studio.

photographic record
Goteira, Estela Sokol
Sesc 24 de Maio, São Paulo, SP
August, 2017
Goteira, Estela Sokol
Sesc 24 de Maio, São Paulo, SP
August, 2017
This photographic record started from the observation of the work Goteira, by Estela Sokol, and of the architectural
space that hosts it. The work consists of more than 40 pieces of different materials, such as steel, marble, carrara marble, onyx, resin and sandstone, which permanently occupy the administrative area of Sesc 24 de Maio.